Submitting a new deal involves sending a request to create a financial deal based on a previously quoted foreign exchange rate. This operation allows the client to finalize and secure a transaction at the quoted rate.

Example Response:

On success, the service will acknowledge the deal request with a 202 Accepted status, and a unique deal identifier will be issued for tracking.

  "channelTransactionIdentifier": "0123456789",
  "dealIdentifier": "DLR-abcdef12-3456-7890-ghij-klmnopqrstuv",
  "status": "ACCEPTED"

Usage Notes:

  • Tracking: Use the dealIdentifier from the response to track the status of the deal. This identifier can also be used for any further actions related to the deal, such as polling for the final response or managing deal status.

  • Error Handling: Ensure to handle common HTTP errors such as:

    • 400 Bad Request: Occurs when the request format is incorrect, such as missing required parameters or providing invalid data.
    • 401 Unauthorised: Indicates authentication issues, typically due to missing or invalid tokens.
    • 503 Service Unavailable: The service is down or temporarily unavailable; consider retrying the request after some time.