Return Codes

Default API Event Codes

Event Code Name HTTP
EC000_001 Internal Server Error 500 Internal Server Error, please contact support.
EC000_002 Unauthorized 401 The request is not authorized
EC000_003 Validation Failure 400 The request failed validation
EC000_004 Resource Not Found 404 The requested resource is not found
EC000_005 Method Not Allowed 405 The requested HTTP method is not allowed
EC000_006 Unsupported Media Type 405 Content-Type provided is not supported
EC000_007 Invalid Content 400 Invalid secured payload

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PayTo API Event Codes

Validation failures relating to PayTo API requests. These are synchronous response error codes.

The error reason codes are returned in the PayTo API.

Error reason codes can be generated by both ANZ and Mandate Management Service (MMS)

http code code severity text Description Source of Error
400 EC004_401 Fatal Schema validation failed against the encrypted PayTo Request schema, error details [{errorDetail}] Invalid request schema or missing/invalid header, for encrypted request ANZ
400 EC004_402 Fatal Duplicate PayTo Request received (supplied X-Message-Id value: [X-Message-Id] X-Message-Id is not unique ANZ
400 EC004_405 Fatal MPS User Id is invalid Invalid MPS User Id ANZ
400 EC004_414 Fatal Schema validation failed against the PayTo Request schema, error details [{errorDetail}] Invalid request schema or missing/invalid header, for decrypted request ANZ
400 EC004_415 Fatal Get Mandate Details Request Failed. [{errorDetail}] Get Mandate Details request has failed due to a technical reason ANZ
403 EC004_415 Fatal Get Mandate Details Request Failed. Request No permission on record. MPS User is unauthorised for this mandate. Get Mandate Details request has failed due no permission to the specified Mandate id ANZ
408 EC004_415 Fatal Get Mandate Details Request Failed. Either the dependency service is not accessible or Not able to fetch the Mandate Action Details in the configured timeout value Get Mandate Details request has failed due a dependent service timeout ANZ
500 EC004_415 Fatal Get Mandate Details Request Failed. Exception occurred while fetching the Mandate detail from MMS using Swift SDK Get Mandate Details request has failed due a technical reason ANZ
400 MMS.API.9000 Fatal Local authentication failed Local authentication failed. MMS
400 MMS.API.9001 Fatal Unknown Message Partner. Unknown Message Partner. MMS
400 MMS.API.9002 Fatal The Account Servicer or its Sponsor cannot submit the request because of business suspension. The Account Servicer or its Sponsor cannot submit the request because of business suspension. MMS
403 MMS.API.9003 Fatal Invalid requestor. This can occur for a number of reasons, e.g. use of an invalid token, certificate expiration or no access authorisation to the MMS. Invalid requestor. This can occur for a number of reasons, e.g. use of an invalid token, certificate expiration or no access authorisation to the MMS. MMS
500 MMS.API.9005 Transient Message cannot be delivered. The JSON request message within the API request could not be delivered to the MMS. The MMS is unavailable or the end-to-end communication between the PAG and the MMS is unavailable, not allowing the message to reach its final destination. MMS
408 MMS.API.9006 Transient Timeout The MMS or the PAG timeout delay has expired. The MMS or the PAG could not complete the processing of the request within the expected time. MMS
429 MMS.API.9007 Transient Too many transactions. This is related to the limitation on the number of transactions served in parallel by the MMS MMS
400 MMS.API.9010 Fatal Invalid MMS signature The PKI signature applied by the MMS to the response could not be verified and is considered invalid MMS
404 MMS.API.9011 Fatal The referenced record cannot be found. The record either does not exist or it has expired. No results matching the API request parameters are found MMS
403 MMS.API.9013 Fatal No permission on the referenced record. Error when the requesting MMS Servicer does not have permission to update or enquire on the Mandate record MMS
403 MMS.API.9015 Fatal Unauthorised sponsor. The Mandate sponsor of the Account Servicer issuing the API request has no defined agency arrangement with the MMS Servicer specified in the API request MMS
403 MMS.API.9016 Fatal Sponsor is unauthorised for servicer The sponsor of the Account Servicer issuing the API request has no defined agency arrangement with the MMS Servicer specified in the API request MMS
403 MMS.API.9017 Fatal Servicer is unauthorised The Account Servicer issuing the API request has no defined agency arrangement with the MMS Servicer specified in the API request MMS
400 MMS.API.9019 Fatal Invalid request. This represents a catch-all error condition that reflects validation failures that are not covered by specific error codes. MMS
500 MMS.API.9900 Transient/Fatal MMS internal service error. The API request or the API response could not be processed internally in the MMS MMS
500 MMS.API.9901 Fatal PAG processing problem. The API request or the API response could not be processed by the PAG MMS

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PayTo Mandate Event Codes

Validation failures relating to Mandate Action requests.

The error reason codes are returned in the PayTo API Webhook Mandate Processing Outcomes.

Error reason codes can be generated by both ANZ and Mandate Management Service (MMS).

status code severity text user_message more_info Description Source of Error
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed InvalidDebtorAccountNumber AC02 Debtor account number invalid or missing

Create Mandate: Provided Debtor Alias cannot be resolved
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed InvalidCreditorAccountNumber AC03 Creditor account number invalid or missing

Create/Amend Mandate: ANZ Credit Account is not found
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed ClosedCreditorAccountNumber AC07 Creditor account number closed

Create/Amend Mandate: ANZ Credit Account is closed
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed InvalidDebtorAccountType AC13 Debtor account type missing or invalid

Create Mandate:
debtor_information/account_identification_type_code must be ALIA or BBAN
2. For Migrated DDR debtor_information/account_identification_type_code must be BBAN
3. For Migrated DDR debtor_information/account_alias_type_code must not be present
4. For Migrated DDR debtor_information/account_alias_identification must not be present
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed InvalidCreditorAccountType AC14 Creditor account type missing or invalid

Create/Amend Mandate:
creditor_information/account_identification_type_code must be BBAN
2. ANZ Credit Account is not eligible for NPP
3. For Migrated DDR creditor_information/account_identification_type_code must be BBAN
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed Action Failed, Contact the ANZ Customer Service Centre AF01 Change Status: ANZ is unable to process Change Mandate Status request ANZ
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed InvalidAccessRights AG08 Request failed due to invalid or missing user or access right

MPS User is not authorised to Mandate
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed IncorrectAgent AGNT Agent in the payment workflow is incorrect

Create Mandate: Debtor BSB not found in BRTD
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed Specific transaction/message amount is greater than allowed maximum AM02 At least one of the amounts provided exceeds MPS User Id limit;

Create/Amend Mandate:
- payment_information/maximum_amount
- payment_information/amount
- payment_information/first_payment_amount
- payment_information/last_payment_amount
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed InvalidAmount AM12 Amount is invalid or missing

Create/Amend Mandate:
if payment_information/payment_amount_type = FIXE then payment_information/amount should be present
2. if payment_information/payment_amount_type = BALN then payment_information/amount should be present AND (one of the following fields should be present) payment_information/first_payment_amount or payment_information/last_payment_amount
3. if payment_information/payment_amount_type = USGB or VARI then payment_information/maximum_amount should be present
4. For Migrated DDR payment_information/first_payment_amount must not be present

Amend Mandate:
if payment_information/amount/currency = ZZZ then payment_information/amount/amount should not be provided
2. if payment_information/maximum_amount/currency = ZZZ then payment_information/maximum_amount/amount must not be present
3. if payment_information/first_payment_amount/currency = ZZZ then payment_information/first_payment_amount/amount must not be present
4. if payment_information/last_payment_amount/currency = ZZZ then payment_information/last_payment_amount/amount must not be present
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed InvalidFrequencyTerm CP01 Invalid frequency term

Create/Amend Mandate: Only count_per_period or point_in_time should be provided not both unless one attribute is being cleared as part of Amend Mandate
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed Creditor account must be provided CR01 Creditor account must be present in request ANZ
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed Creditor Account Not Registered CR02 Creditor account must be registered with ANZ ANZ
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed InvalidDate DT01 Invalid date (eg, wrong or missing settlement date)

Create/Amend Mandate:
payment_information/first_payment_date before validity_start_date OR payment_information/first_payment_date after Mandate validity_end_date
2. payment_information/last_payment_date before validity_start_date OR payment_information/last_payment_date after Mandate validity_end_date
3. If automatic_extension_indicator = false, then validity_end_date must be present OR If automatic_extension_indicator = true, then validity_end_date must not be present unless being cleared as part of Amend Mandate
4. For Migrated DDR resolution_requested_by must not be present
5. For Migrated DDR first_payment_date must not be present
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed Establishment Scheme Not Supported for biller ES01 MPS User Id not eligible to Create Migrated DDR ANZ
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed Syntax error reason is provided as narrative FF02 Syntax error

Amend Mandate - Migrated DDR:
additional_information cannot be updated or cleared
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed BECS user ID invalid INBC BECS User Id not eligible to Create/Amend Migrated DDR ANZ
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed Invalid Division ID INDV Division Id is invalid or is not eligible to perform Mandate Action ANZ
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed Invalid Request - Mandate related information data required by the scheme is missing. MD02 Missing mandatory information in Mandate

Create Mandate - Migrated DDR:
additional_information must contain valid BECS User Id, in the correct format
2. Debtor account_identification must be present
3. Creditor account_identification must be present
4. Creditor account_alias_type_code must not be present
5. Creditor account_alias_identification must not be present
5. Creditor party_name must be present
6. Creditor ultimate_party_name must be present
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed InvalidMandateType MT01 Mandate type not supported

Create Mandate: mandate_type must be DDTP
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed Mandate Purpose Code Not Allowed PCNA Mandate purpose code is not eligible for Create Mandate ANZ
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed InvalidBICIdentifier RC05 BIC identifier is invalid or missing.

Create/Amend Mandate: Creditor/Debtor BIC not an MPS participant, as per BRDT
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed MPS User not active US01 MPS User Id is not active ANZ
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed MPS User ID invalid US02 MPS User Id is invalid ANZ
RJCT EC004_403 FATL Failed to decrypt and verify the message n/a n/a ANZ is unable to decrypt Mandate Request ANZ
RJCT EC004_404 FATL Schema validation failed against the unencrypted PayTo Request schema, error details [{errorDetail}] n/a n/a Mandate Request invalid schema ANZ
RJCT EC004_405 FATL MPS User Id value: [mpsUserId] is invalid n/a n/a MPS User Id is invalid ANZ
RJCT EC004_406 FATL/TRAN/LOGI Mandate processing failed [{errorDetail}] [{errorCode}] Generic error for any technical issues processing a Mandate Request ANZ
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed LocalAuthenticationFailed MMS.API.9000 Local authentication failed. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed MessagePartnerError MMS.API.9001 Unknown Message Partner. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed AuthBIC8Error MMS.API.9002 The Account Servicer or its Sponsor cannot submit the request because of business suspension. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed InvalidRequestor MMS.API.9003 Invalid requestor. This can occur for a number of reasons, e.g. use of an invalid token, certificate expiration or no access authorisation to the MMS. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 TRAN Mandate processing failed MessageUndeliverable MMS.API.9005 Message cannot be delivered. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 TRAN Mandate processing failed Timeout MMS.API.9006 Timeout MMS
RJCT EC004_406 TRAN Mandate processing failed TooManyTransactions MMS.API.9007 Too many transactions. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed InvalidPAGSignature MMS.API.9008 Invalid PAG signature. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed RequestSizeError MMS.API.9009 Maximum request size exceeded. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed NoRecord MMS.API.9011 The referenced record cannot be found. The record either does not exist or it has expired. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed NoRecordPermission MMS.API.9013 No permission on the referenced record. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed UnauthorisedSponsor MMS.API.9015 Unauthorised sponsor. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed UnauthorisedSponsorForServicer MMS.API.9016 Unauthorised sponsor for the servicer. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed UnauthorisedServicer MMS.API.9017 Unauthorised servicer. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed InconsistentDuplicateRequest MMS.API.9018 A duplicate request has been made whereby the request ID is the same as a previous request but the content of the request is different. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed InvalidRequest MMS.API.9019 Invalid request. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed MandateActionForbidden MMS.API.9101 The requested mandate action is forbidden. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed MandateSemanticRuleViolated MMS.API.9102 Mandate semantic rule violated. Additional information on the violation will be provided in the response. This error can occur on creation of a mandate and also when an attempt is made to amend a mandate to an illegal state. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed MandateStatusInvalid MMS.API.9104 The requested operation cannot be performed for the current status of the mandate. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed MandateActionAlreadyResolved MMS.API.9105 Mandate action has already been resolved. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed MandateActionTimedOut MMS.API.9106 Mandate action has expired. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed MandateActionResolutionForbidden MMS.API.9107 Requested mandate action resolution is forbidden. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed MandateActionPending MMS.API.9110 Outstanding mandate action pending confirmation. The outstanding action must be resolved before attempting the operation again. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed MandateInvalidPartyRole MMS.API.9111 Requesting servicer and party role do not match the mandate party definition. Can occur when the servicer requesting an action on a mandate does not match the party role provided in the request. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed MandateAmendmentSemanticRuleViolated MMS.API.9113 Mandate amendment semantic rule violated. Additional information on the violation will be provided in the response. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed MandateStatusChangeSemanticRuleViolated MMS.API.9114 Mandate status change semantic rule violated. Additional information on the violation will be provided in the response. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed MandateActionResolutionSemanticRuleViolated MMS.API.9115 Mandate action resolution semantic rule violated. Additional information on the violation will be provided in the response. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed MandateAccountServicerInvalid MMS.API.9116 The Account Service entry in the BRDT data does not match the account identification type code and issuer. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed BOServiceNotLinkedToSettlementBIService MMS.API.9118 The provided NPP Backoffice Service is not linked to a Settlement BI Servicer in the BRDT. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed ServicerNotAMemberOfBOService MMS.API.9119 Mandate servicer BIC is not a member of the Backoffice Service in current BRDT. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed ServicerDoesNotMatchPaymentInitiator MMS.API.9120 The servicer making the request does not match the Payment Initiator in the request details. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 TRAN/FATL Mandate processing failed MMSServiceError MMS.API.9900 MMS internal service error. MMS
RJCT EC004_406 FATL Mandate processing failed PAGServiceError MMS.API.9901 PAG processing problem. MMS

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PayTo MPIR Event Codes

Validation failures relating to MPIR submissions.

The transaction status and transaction reason codes are returned in the PayTo API Webhook MPIR Processing Outcomes.

Transaction reason codes can be generated by both ANZ and the other finiancial institution (OFI) involved in processing the MPIR. Where ANZ is also the debtor then ANZ can generate the “OFI” transaction reason codes below.

transaction_status transaction_status_reason_code transaction_status_additional_information Description Source of Reason Code
RJCT AB01 AbortedClearingTimeout Clearing process aborted due to timeout OFI
RJCT AB02 AbortedClearingFatalError Clearing process aborted due to a fatal error OFI
RJCT AB03 AbortedSettlementTimeout Settlement aborted due to timeout OFI
RJCT AB04 AbortedSettlementFatalError Settlement process aborted due to a fatal error OFI
RJCT AB08 OfflineCreditorAgent Creditor Agent is not online OFI
RJCT AC02 InvalidDebtorAccountNumber Debtor account number invalid or missing OFI
RJCT AC02 Invalid Debtor Account Debtor name on mandate is not matching debtor name returned from alias resolution service ANZ
RJCT AC03 Creditor Account number invalid or missing Creditor account number invalid or missing ANZ
RJCT AC03 InvalidCreditorAccountNumber Creditor account number invalid or missing OFI
RJCT AC05 ClosedDebtorAccountNumber Debtor account number closed OFI
RJCT AC06 BlockedAccount Account specified is blocked, prohibiting posting of transactions against it OFI
RJCT AC06 Creditor account blocked Account specified is blocked, prohibiting posting of transactions against it ANZ
RJCT AC07 ClosedCreditorAccountNumber Creditor account number closed OFI
RJCT AC07 Closed Creditor Account number Creditor account number closed ANZ
RJCT AC13 InvalidDebtorAccountType Debtor account type missing or invalid OFI
RJCT AC14 InvalidCreditorAccountType Creditor account type missing or invalid OFI
RJCT AC15 AccountDetailsChanged The account details for the counterparty have changed OFI
RJCT AG01 TransactionForbidden Transaction forbidden on this type of account OFI
RJCT AG03 TransactionNotSupported Transaction type not supported/authorized on this account OFI
RJCT AG07 UnsuccesfulDirectDebit Debtor account cannot be debited for a generic reason OFI
RJCT AGNT IncorrectAgent Agent in the payment workflow is incorrect OFI
RJCT AM01 Specified message amount is equal to zero Instructed Amount is invalid ANZ
RJCT AM01 ZeroAmount Specified message amount is equal to zero OFI
RJCT AM02 NotAllowedAmount Specific transaction/message amount is greater than allowed maximum OFI
RJCT AM03 Not Allowed Currency Instructed Currency is not AUD ANZ
RJCT AM03 NotAllowedCurrency Specified message amount is an non processable currency outside of existing agreement OFI
RJCT AM04 InsufficientFunds Amount of funds available to cover specified message amount is insufficient OFI
RJCT AM06 TooLowAmount Specified transaction amount is less than agreed minimum OFI
RJCT AM09 Wrong Amount Amount received is not the amount agreed or expected ANZ
RJCT AM09 WrongAmount Amount received is not the amount agreed or expected OFI
RJCT AM12 InvalidAmount Amount is invalid or missing OFI
RJCT AM19 InvalidGroupNumberOfTransactions Number of transactions at the Group level is invalid or missing OFI
RJCT AM21 Daily MPIR pay away limit exceeded. Your daily limit is AUD XXX,XXX.XX. Available limit (as at “Time in HH:MM:SS in Melbourne/Sydney Time”” on ““MPIR Date””): AUD XXX,XXX.XX Daily MPIR limit has been exceeded ANZ
RJCT AM21 LimitExceeded Transaction amount exceeds limits agreed between bank and client OFI
RJCT AVED AfterValidityEndDate Mandate Validity end date has been passed ANZ
RJCT BE05 UnrecognisedInitiatingParty Party who initiated the message is not recognised by the end customer OFI
RJCT BE06 UnknownEndCustomer End customer specified is not known at associated Sort/National Bank Code or does no longer exist in the books OFI
RJCT BE08 MissingDebtorName Debtor name is missing OFI
RJCT BE22 Creditor name is missing Creditor Name or Ultimate Creditor Name or both are missing ANZ
RJCT BE22 MissingCreditorName Creditor name is missing OFI
RJCT BVSD BeforeValidityStartDate Mandate validity start date has not been reached ANZ
RJCT CH03 Payment Date is in future and invalid. requested_execution_date is too far in the future ANZ
RJCT CH03 Requested Execution Time is too far in the future payment_execute_not_before_time too far into the futureNote future dated MPIRs are released at 00:01 on the requested_execution_date ANZ
RJCT CH04 Payment Date is in past and invalid. requested_execution_date is too far in the past ANZ
RJCT CH20 DecimalPointsNotCompatibleWithCurrency Number of decimal points not compatible with the currency OFI
RJCT CH21 RequiredCompulsoryElementMissing Mandatory element is missing OFI
RJCT CURR IncorrectCurrency Currency of the payment is incorrect OFI
RJCT CUST RequestedByCustomer Cancellation requested by the Debtor OFI
RJCT DS09 EC004_403 Failed to decrypt and verify the message ANZ is unable to decrypt MPIR ANZ
RJCT DT02 InvalidCreationDate Invalid creation date and time in Group Header (eg, historic date) OFI
RJCT DT04 FutureDateNotSupported Future date not supported OFI
RJCT DU05 Duplicate Instruction ID instruction_identification needs to be unique for each MPS User Id ANZ
RJCT ED05 SettlementFailed Settlement of the transaction has failed OFI
RJCT ED06 SettlementSystemNotAvailable Interbank settlement system not available OFI
RJCT FF04 InvalidServiceLevelCode Service Level code is missing or invalid OFI
RJCT FF08 InvalidEndToEndId End to End Id missing or invalid OFI
RJCT FF10 EC004_409 MPIR processing failed due to a technical issue Generic error for any technical issues processing a MPIR where no reason code is available ANZ
RJCT FF10 Unexpected error. Please try again and contact the ANZ Customer Service Centre if the issue persists Technical error reported by downstream system ANZ
RJCT FF10 BankSystemProcessingError File or transaction cannot be processed due to technical issues at the bank side OFI
RJCT FF11 ClearingRequestAborted Clearing request rejected due it being subject to an abort operation OFI
RJCT G005 DeliveredWithServiceLevel Payment has been delivered to creditor agent with service level OFI
RJCT G006 DeliveredWIthoutServiceLevel Payment has been delivered to creditor agent without service level OFI
RJCT MCGP MGCRInGracePeriod A mandate with establishment scheme MGCR will only be valid for payment after a grace period of 5 calendar days from the registration of the mandate ANZ
RJCT MD01 No mandate mandate_identification is not found in MMS ANZ
RJCT MD01 NoMandate No Mandate OFI
RJCT MD02 MissingMandatoryInformationInMandate Mandate related information data required by the scheme is missing OFI
RJCT MD20 MandateExpired Mandate cancellation following validity expiration OFI
RJCT MS02 NotSpecifiedReasonCustomerGenerated Reason has not been specified by end customer OFI
RJCT MS03 NotSpecifiedReasonAgentGenerated Reason has not been specified by agent OFI
RJCT NACT NotActive Mandate status is not active ANZ
RJCT NARR EC004_405 MPS User Id value: [mpsUserId] is invalid MPS User Id Is Invalid ANZ
RJCT NARR 4001 Division is invalid. Contact the ANZ Customer Service Centre Invalid Division ANZ
RJCT NARR 4002 Product is not entitled. Contact the ANZ Customer Service Centre MPS User not entitled to submit MPIR ANZ
RJCT NARR 4003 MPS User is invalid. Contact the ANZ Customer Service Centre MPS User Id Is Invalid in downstream system ANZ
RJCT NARR [{errorDetail}] Reason is provided as narrative information OFI
RJCT NAUT Unauthorised Mandate MPS User Id not authorised to mandate ANZ
RJCT NAUT Unauthorised Mandate Permission to be processed is not granted OFI
RJCT RC05 InvalidBICIdentifier BIC identifier is invalid or missing OFI
RJCT RR02 MissingDebtorNameOrAddress Specification of the debtor’s name and/or address needed for regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing OFI
RJCT RR03 MissingCreditorNameOrAddress Specification of the creditor’s name and/or address needed for regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing OFI
RJCT SL01 SpecificServiceOfferedByDebtorAgent Due to specific service offered by the Debtor Agent OFI
RJCT SL11 CreditorNotOnWhitelistOfDebtor Whitelisting service offered by the Debtor Agent; Debtor has not included the Creditor on its “Whitelist” (yet). In the Whitelist the Debtor may list all allowed Creditors to debit Debtor bank account OFI
RJCT SL13 MaximumNumberOfDirectDebitTransactionsExceeded Due to Maximum allowed Direct Debit Transactions per period service offered by the Debtor Agent OFI
RJCT SL14 MaximumDirectDebitTransactionAmountExceeded Due to Maximum allowed Direct Debit Transaction amount service offered by the Debtor Agent OFI
RJCT TD03 EC004_404 Schema validation failed against the unencrypted PayTo Request schema, error details [{errorDetail}] MPIR invalid schema ANZ
RJCT TD03 IncorrectFileStructure The file format is incomplete or invalid OFI
RJCT TM01 InvalidCutOffTime Associated message, payment information block, or transaction was received after agreed processing cut-off time OFI

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PayTo Mandate Action Decline Codes

Reason Codes for use when declining a Mandate creation/amendment authorisation request.

The reason codes are returned in the PayTo API Webhook Mandate Notifications.

Reason Code Reason Description Additional Information
AC02 InvalidDebtorAccountNumber Debtor account number invalid or missing
AC05 ClosedDebtorAccountNumber Debtor account number closed
AC06 BlockedAccount Account specified is blocked, prohibiting posting of transactions against it
AC13 InvalidDebtorAccountType Debtor Account Type missing or invalid
AG01 TransactionForbidden Transaction forbidden on this type of account
AG03 TransactionNotSupported Account type not supported/authorised
AM03 NotAllowedCurrency Specified message amount is a non-processable currency outside of existing agreement
AM12 InvalidAmount Amount is invalid or missing
AM14 AmountExceedsAgreedLimit Transaction amount exceeds limits agreed between bank and client
BE06 UnknownEndCustomer End customer specified is not known at associated Sort/National Bank Code or does no longer exist in the books
MD09 NoMandateServiceOnCustomer Account is not open to specified Mandate services
MD16 RequestedByCustomer Cancellation/amendment requested by the debtor
NARR Narrative Reason is provided as narrative information in the additional reason information
NOAS NoAnswerFromCustomer No response from beneficiary
SL11 Creditor not on Whitelist of Debtor Whitelisting service offered by the Debtor Agent; Debtor has not included the Creditor on its “Whitelist” (yet). In the Whitelist the Debtor may list all allowed Creditors to debit Debtor bank account
SL12 Creditor on Blacklist of Debtor Blacklisting service offered by the Debtor Agent; Debtor included the Creditor on its “Blacklist”. In the Blacklist the Debtor may list all Creditors not allowed to debit Debtor bank account

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PayTo Mandate Status Change Codes

Reason Codes for use when cancelling or suspending a Mandate.

The reason codes are returned in the PayTo API Webhook Mandate Notifications.

Reason Code Reason Description Additional Information
AC02 InvalidDebtorAccountNumber Debtor account number invalid or missing
AC04 ClosedAccountNumber Account number specified has been closed on the Receiver’s books
AC05 ClosedDebtorAccountNumber Debtor account number closed
AC06 BlockedAccount Account specified is blocked, prohibiting posting of transactions against it
AC13 InvalidDebtorAccountType Debtor Account Type missing or invalid
AG01 TransactionForbidden Transaction forbidden on this type of account
AG03 TransactionNotSupported Account type not supported/authorised
AM03 NotAllowedCurrency Specified message amount is a non-processable currency outside of existing agreement
AM12 InvalidAmount Amount is invalid or missing
AM14 AmountExceedsAgreedLimit Transaction amount exceeds limits agreed between bank and client
CTAM ContractAmended Mandate suspended due to amendment of the contract
CTCA ContractCancellationInitiatedByDebtor Mandate suspended due to cancellation of the contract, requested by the debtor
CTEX ContractExpired Mandate suspended due to the contract that expired
MCFC MandateSuspendedFinalCollection Mandate suspended as final collection took place
MCOC MandateSuspendedOnceOffCollectio Mandate suspended as the once off collection took place
MD07 EndCustomerDeceased End customer is deceased
MD08 NoMandateServiceByAgent Receiving agent does not offer specified Mandate services
MD09 NoMandateServiceOnCustomer Account is not open to specified Mandate services
MD16 RequestedByCustomer Cancellation/amendment requested by the debtor
MD17 RequestedByInitiatingParty Cancellation/amendment requested by the creditor or by the initiating party
MD20 MandateExpired Mandate cancellation following validity expiration
MS02 NotSpecifiedReasonCustomerGenerated Reason has not been specified by end customer
MS03 NotSpecifiedReasonAgentGenerated Reason has not been specified by agent
MSUC MandateSuspended7ConsecutiveUnsuccessfulCollections Mandate suspended after 7 consecutive unsuccessful collections
NARR Narrative Reason is provided as narrative information in the additional reason information
NOAS NoAnswerFromCustomer No response from beneficiary
SL01 Specific Service offered by Debtor Agent Due to specific service offered by the Debtor Agent
SL11 Creditor not on Whitelist of Debtor Whitelisting service offered by the Debtor Agent; Debtor has not included the Creditor on its “Whitelist” (yet). In the Whitelist the Debtor may list all allowed Creditors to debit Debtor bank account
SL12 Creditor on Blacklist of Debtor Blacklisting service offered by the Debtor Agent; Debtor included the Creditor on its “Blacklist”. In the Blacklist the Debtor may list all Creditors not allowed to debit Debtor bank account

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NPP Payment Return Codes

Return Code Return Code Definition
AC01 Format of the account number specified is not correct
AC02 Debtor account number invalid or missing.
AC03 Wrong IBAN in SCT
AC04 Account number specified has been closed on the bank of account’s books
AC06 Account specified is blocked, prohibiting posting of transactions against it.
AC07 Creditor account number closed.
AC13 Debtor account type is missing or invalid
AC14 An agent in the payment chain is invalid.
AC15 Account details have changed.
AC16 Account is in sequestration.
AC17 Account is in liquidation.
AG01 Transaction forbidden on this type of account (formerly NoAgreement)
AG02 Bank Operation code specified in the message is not valid for receiver
AG07 Debtor account cannot be debited for a generic reason.
AGNT Agent in the payment workflow is incorrect.
AM01 Specified message amount is equal to zero
AM02 Specific transaction/message amount is greater than allowed maximum
AM03 Specified message amount is a non-processable currency outside of the existing agreement
AM04 Amount of funds available to cover specified message amount is insufficient.
AM05 Duplication
AM06 Specified transaction amount is less than agreed minimum.
AM07 Amount specified in message has been blocked by regulatory authorities.
AM09 Amount received is not the amount agreed or expected
AM10 Sum of instructed amounts does not equal the control sum.
ARDT Already returned original SCT
BE01 Identification of end customer is not consistent with associated account number, organisation ID or private ID.
BE04 Specification of creditor’s address, which is required for payment, is missing/not correct.
BE05 Party who initiated the message is not recognised by the end customer
BE06 End customer specified is not known at associated Sort/National Bank Code or no longer exists in the books
BE07 Specification of debtor’s address, which is required for payment, is missing/not correct.
BE08 Returned as a result of a bank error.
BE10 Debtor country code is missing or invalid.
BE11 Creditor country code is missing or invalid.
BE16 Debtor or Ultimate Debtor identification code missing or invalid.
BE17 Creditor or Ultimate Creditor identification code missing or invalid.
CN01 Authorisation is cancelled.
CNOR Creditor bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM
CNPC Cash not picked up by Creditor or cash could not be delivered to Creditor
CURR Currency of the payment is incorrect
CUST Cancellation requested by the Debtor. ONUS Return: Mistaken payment, Incorrect payee, or Incorrect payment address
DNOR Debtor bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM
DS28 Return following technical problems resulting in erroneous transaction.
DT01 Invalid date (e.g., wrong settlement date)
DUPL ONUS Return: Incorrect amount
ED01 Correspondent bank not possible.
ED03 Balance of payments complementary info is requested
ED05 Settlement of the transaction has failed.
EMVL The card payment is fraudulent and was not processed with EMV technology for an EMV card.
ERIN The Extended Remittance Information (ERI) option is not supported.
FF03 Payment Type Information is missing or invalid.
FF04 Service Level code is missing or invalid.
FF05 Local Instrument code is missing or invalid.
FF06 Category Purpose code is missing or invalid.
FF07 Purpose is missing or invalid.
FOCR Return following a cancellation request
FR01 Returned as a result of fraud.
FRTR Final response/tracking is recalled as mandate is cancelled.
G004 Credit to the creditor’s account is pending, status Originator is waiting for funds provided via a cover.
MD01 No Mandate
MD02 Mandate related information data required by the scheme is missing.
MD05 Creditor or creditor’s agent should not have collected the direct debit.
MD06 Return of funds requested by end customer
MD07 End customer is deceased.
MS02 Reason has not been specified by end customer
MS03 Reason has not been specified by agent.
NARR Reason is provided as narrative information in the additional reason information.
NOAS No response from Beneficiary
NOCM Customer account is not compliant with regulatory requirements
NOOR Original SCT never received
PINL The card payment is fraudulent (lost and stolen fraud) and was processed as EMV transaction without PIN verification
RC01 Bank Identifier code specified in the message has an incorrect format
RC07 Incorrect BIC of the beneficiary Bank in the SCTR
RC08 ClearingSystemMemberidentifier is invalid or missing
RC11 Intermediary Agent is invalid or missing.
RF01 Transaction reference is not unique within the message.
RR01 Specification of the debtor’s account or unique identification needed for regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing
RR02 Specification of the debtor’s name and/or address needed for regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing
RR03 Specification of the creditor’s name and/or address needed for regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing
RR04 Regulatory Reason
RR05 Regulatory or Central Bank Reporting information missing, incomplete or invalid.
RR06 Tax information missing, incomplete or invalid.
RR07 Remittance information structure does not comply with rules for payment type.
RR08 Remittance information truncated to comply with rules for payment type.
RR09 Structured creditor reference invalid or missing.
RR11 Invalid or missing identification of a bank proprietary service.
RR12 Invalid or missing identification required within a particular country or payment type.
RUTA Return following investigation request and no remediation possible.
SL01 Due to specific service offered by the Debtor Agent
SL02 Due to specific service offered by the Creditor Agent
SL11 Whitelisting service offered by the Debtor Agent; Debtor has not included the Creditor on its “Whitelist.”
SL12 Blacklisting service offered by the Debtor Agent; Debtor included the Creditor on his “Blacklist.”
SL13 Due to Maximum allowed Direct Debit Transactions per period service offered by the Debtor Agent.
SL14 Due to Maximum allowed Direct Debit Transaction amount service offered by the Debtor Agent.
SP01 Payment is stopped by account holder.
SP02 Previously stopped by means of a stop payment advise.
SVNR The card payment is returned since a cash amount rendered was not correct or goods or a service was not rendered to the customer
TM01 Associated message was received after agreed processing cut-off time.
TRAC Return following direct debit being removed from tracking process.
UPAY Payment is not justified.

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Status Reason Code Mapping

Status Status Code Status Description Reporting Level
RJCT TD03 Incorrect File Structure Batch
RJCT NARR MPS User ID is Invalid Batch
RJCT DUPL Duplicate Bulk MPIR file received (File Name: [{filename}]) Batch
RJCT FF10 Invalid message body Batch
RJCT FF10 Missing field or incorrect field length Batch
RJCT FF10 Item count is incorrect and/or Batch ID Mismatch Batch
ACTC Not Mapped Processing - Released from Warehouse Batch
WARE Not Mapped Warehoused Batch
RJCT NARR Division is invalid. Contact the ANZ Customer Service Centre. Batch
RJCT NARR Product is not entitled. Contact the ANZ Customer Service Centre. Batch
RJCT NARR MPS User is invalid. Contact the ANZ Customer Service Centre. Batch
RJCT AM21 Daily MPIR pay-away limit exceeded. Your daily limit is AUD XXX,XXX.XX. Available limit (as at “Time in HH:MM:SS in Melbourne/Sydney Time” on “MPIR Date”): AUD XXX,XXX.XX Batch
RJCT CH04 Payment date is in the past and invalid. Batch
RJCT CH03 Payment date is in the future and invalid. Batch
PART (batch) Partially completed Batch
RJCT (item) 400: Bad Request Item
RJCT DU05 409: Duplicate Instruction ID Item
RJCT AC02 Invalid Debtor Account Item
RJCT AC03 Creditor Account number invalid or missing Item
RJCT AC06 Creditor account blocked Item
RJCT AC07 Closed Creditor Account number Item
RJCT AM01 Specified message amount is equal to zero Item
RJCT AM03 Not Allowed Currency Item
RJCT AM09 Wrong Amount Item
RJCT AVED After Validity End Date Item
RJCT BE22 Creditor name is missing Item
RJCT BVSD Before Validity Start Date Item
RJCT CH03 Requested Execution Time is too far in the future Item
RJCT FF10 Bank System Processing Error Item
RJCT MCGP MGCR In Grace Period Item
RJCT MD01 No mandate Item
RJCT NACT Not Active Item
RJCT NAUT Unauthorized Mandate Item
ACSC Not Mapped Accepted Settlement Completed - Debtor Account Item
ACSP Not Mapped Accepted Settlement In Process Item
RJCT AB01 Aborted Clearing Timeout Item
RJCT AB02 Aborted Clearing Fatal Error Item
RJCT AB03 Aborted Settlement Timeout Item
RJCT AB04 Aborted Settlement Fatal Error Item
RJCT AB08 Offline Creditor Agent Item
RJCT AC02 Invalid Debtor Account Number Item
RJCT AC03 Invalid Creditor Account Number Item
RJCT AC05 Closed Debtor Account Number Item
RJCT AC06 Blocked Account Item
RJCT AC07 Closed Creditor Account Number Item
RJCT AC13 Invalid Debtor Account Type Item
RJCT AC14 Invalid Creditor Account Type Item
RJCT AC15 Account Details Changed Item
RJCT AG01 Transaction Forbidden Item
RJCT AG03 Transaction Not Supported Item
RJCT AG07 Unsuccessful Direct Debit Item
RJCT AGNT Incorrect Agent Item
RJCT AM01 Zero Amount Item
RJCT AM02 Not Allowed Amount Item
RJCT AM03 Not Allowed Currency Item
RJCT AM04 Insufficient Funds Item
RJCT AM06 Too Low Amount Item
RJCT AM09 Wrong Amount Item
RJCT AM12 Invalid Amount Item
RJCT AM19 Invalid Group Number Of Transactions Item
RJCT AM21 Limit Exceeded Item
RJCT BE05 Unrecognized Initiating Party Item
RJCT BE06 Unknown End Customer Item
RJCT BE08 Missing Debtor Name Item
RJCT BE22 Missing Creditor Name Item
RJCT CH20 Decimal Points Not Compatible With Currency Item
RJCT CH21 Required Compulsory Element Missing Item
RJCT CURR Incorrect Currency Item
RJCT CUST Requested By Customer Item
RJCT DT02 Invalid Creation Date Item
RJCT DT04 Future Date Not Supported Item
RJCT ED05 Settlement Failed Item
RJCT ED06 Settlement System Not Available Item
RJCT FF04 Invalid Service Level Code Item
RJCT FF08 Invalid End-To-End ID Item
RJCT FF10 Bank System Processing Error Item
RJCT FF11 Clearing Request Aborted Item
RJCT FRAD Fraudulent Origin Item
RJCT G005 Delivered With Service Level Item
RJCT G006 Delivered Without Service Level Item
RJCT MD01 No Mandate Item
RJCT MD02 Missing Mandatory Information In Mandate Item
RJCT MD20 Mandate Expired Item
RJCT MS02 Not Specified Reason - Customer Generated Item
RJCT MS03 Not Specified Reason - Agent Generated Item
RJCT NARR Narrative Item
RJCT NAUT Unauthorized Mandate Item
RJCT RC05 Invalid BIC Identifier Item
RJCT RR02 Missing Debtor Name Or Address Item
RJCT RR03 Missing Creditor Name Or Address Item
RJCT RR04 Regulatory Reason Item
RJCT SL01 Specific Service Offered By Debtor Agent Item
RJCT SL11 Creditor Not On Whitelist Of Debtor Item
RJCT SL13 Maximum Number Of Direct Debit Transactions Exceeded Item
RJCT SL14 Maximum Direct Debit Transaction Amount Exceeded Item
RJCT TD03 Incorrect File Structure Item
RJCT TM01 Invalid Cut-Off Time Item