ACMC GraphQL Mutations

Mutations Overview:

This page provides an overview of GraphQL mutations available in the ANZ Cash Management Central (ACMC) system.

Table of Contents

  1. Allocate
  2. Approve Request
  3. Close Account
  4. Create Party Company
  5. Create Party Individual
  6. Delete Party
  7. Do Encrypted
  8. Execute Aggregate Payment
  9. Make Internal Transfer
  10. Move Account
  11. Move Unallocated To CLA
  12. Open Account
  13. Request Payment From Customer Linked Account
  14. Request Withholding Tax Refund
  15. Update Account
  16. Update Client Account Restraint


Allocates an unallocated transaction to a client account.

Field Name Description
accountId ID of the account the transaction is to be allocated to.
unallocatedId Unique ID of the Payment or Receipt to be allocated.
allocationComment An optional comment to include with the allocation.

Approve Request

Sends an approval for a command awaiting approval.

Field Name Description
id The ID of the approval process. This is not the command ID; please see the approvals list.
reason Reason for the response you are giving
tokenCode Optional generated one-time use token. This may be required for the overall approval as determined via the config.

Close Account

Closes a client account.

Field Name Description
accountId The unique id of the account to be closed.
fundsDestination Destination for the funds, of type DERecipient.

Create Party Company

Creates a new company party.

Field Name Description
alternateAddress Alternate address
businessNumber Australian Business Number issued by the Australian Tax Office
clientClassification Client/Beneficiary classification
companyNumber Australian Company Number provided by ASIC as part of the registration process
companyType The subtype of the company which determines allowed fields downstream
controllingPersons A list of individual party ids who have the role of controlling person
countryOfEffectiveManagement Country of effective management
countryOfEstablishment Country where the company was established
customerId Customer the party will be created for
email E-mail
fullName Name of the company
giin The Global Intermediary Identification Number
incorporationCountry Country of Incorporation/Registration
incorporationDate Date of Incorporation/Registration
noTaxResidency Whether the company has no residency for tax purposes
reference External party reference
registeredBodyNumber Australian Registered Body Number provided by ASIC - 9 digits all numerical
registeredOfficeAddress Registered Office Address. Cannot be a PO Box
roles The roles this party can be on an account
selfCertified Self-certification date
stockExchange Name of Stock Exchange. Optional only to be used for public companies type
taxReportingType Tax reporting type
taxResidencies Tax residencies
tradingName Could be different from the full legal name of the company on the registration certificate
workPhone Work phone

Create Party Individual

Creates a new individual party.

Field Name Description
alternateAddress Alternate address for the individual.
customerId The customer the individual is client of.
dateOfBirth The individual’s date of birth. Must be provided if the individual is being registered as ‘self-certified’.
familyName The individual’s family (last) name.
gender The individual’s gender.
givenName The individual’s given (first) name.
otherGivenNames List of names, other than given or family, for the individual.
reference Customer provided reference for the individual. This must be unique over all individuals of the customer.
residentialAddress The individual’s main residential address. Must not be a PO Box or other restricted address for KYC compliance.
roles List of roles the individual may perform on accounts or companies (Beneficiary, Trustee or Controlling Person).
selfCertified Is the individual being registered as self certified for tax reporting purposes.
taxResidencies List of all countries the individual has tax residency obligations in.
title The individual’s title.

Delete Party

Deletes a party from the system.

Field Name Description
partyId The id of the individual to be deleted.


Processes an encrypted payload, typically used for sensitive operations.

Field Name Description
customerId The customer to whom the encrypted payload relates. This value is optional and ignored for customer users, and required for bank users.
encryptedPayload The encrypted data payload.

Execute Aggregate Payment

Executes an aggregate payment consisting of multiple instructions.

Field Name Description
count Total count of instructions
customerTransactionReference An optional reference that can later be used to search for the AggregatePayment
externalAccount Details of the external account for the aggregate payment
instructions List of payment instructions
reference Common reference to be associated with all transactions included in the aggregate payment
totalAmount Sum of all instructions

Make Internal Transfer

Executes an internal transfer between two accounts within the same pool.

Field Name Description
creditingAccount The account number of the account to be credited.
customerTransactionReference A message about the transfer. The reference will be available to the recipient of the transfer.
debitingAccount The account number of the account to be debited.
payeeReference TBD
payerReference TBD
pool The pool the accounts are held under.
transferAmount The value of the transfer.
valueDate Value date to be applied to the transfers.

Move Account

Moves an account to a different product.

Field Name Description
accountId The ID of the account to be moved.
productId The ID of the product to which the account will be moved.

Move Unallocated to CLA

Moves an unallocated payment or receipt to a Customer Linked Account.

Field Name Description
allocatableId Unique id of the Payment or Receipt to be moved.
customerLinkedAccountId ID of the customer linked account for the destination of the money.

Open Account

Opens a new account for a customer.

Field Name Description
currency Deprecated. Ignored if supplied. Currency is controlled by the product the account is opened with.
customerId The customer that manages the account on behalf of a client.
name The operating name of the account.
parties List of one or more beneficiaries, trustees etc. associated with the account.
product The product that controls the capabilities and restrictions the account follows.
reference An optional reference for the account that may be used in auto allocation of transactions to the account.
secondaryReference An additional optional reference for the account.

Request Payment From Customer Linked Account

Initiates a payment request from a customer linked account to a CCM account.

Field Name Description
customerLinkedAccountId ID of the customer linked account the money is to be sent from
customerTransactionReference An optional reference that can later be used to search for the PaymentRequest
paymentAmount Value of the payment
reference A message about the payment. The reference will be sent to the recipient of the payment
requesterAccountId ID of the CCM account making the request
valueDate Value date to be applied to the payment

Request Withholding Tax Refund

Requests a withholding tax refund for a single account.

Field Name Description
accountId Account id for the account requesting refund

Update Account

Updates the details of an existing account.

Field Name Description
accountId The id of the account to be updated
name The new operating name of the account
reference The new reference for the account
secondaryReference A new secondary reference for the account

Update Client Account Restraint

Updates the customer level account restraint.

Field Name Description
accountId The id of the account to which the restraint will be applied
block The type of block or restraint to be applied to the account

This overview provides a summary of key mutation operations available in the ACMC GraphQL API, including their input fields and basic structure. For more comprehensive information, detailed usage examples, and the complete set of available operations, please refer to the full ACMC GraphQL schema documentation and dedicated sample pages.