ACMC GraphQL Queries

Queries Overview:

This page provides examples of GraphQL queries available in the ANZ Cash Management Central (ACMC) system.

Table of Contents

  1. Bank Query
  2. Heartbeat Query
  3. Node Query

Bank Query

The bank query is the primary entry point for accessing financial data in ACMC. It provides access to various banking entities and operations.

Available Types under bank

Type Description
accounts List of bank accounts
approvals Approval-related information
businessProcesses Business process details
calendars Calendar-related information
commands Available commands
customers Customer information
deleted Deleted items
fileUploads File upload information
interestAccrued Interest accrual details (CustomerProductAccrual)
matchedReversals Matched reversal transactions
namedRates Named interest rates
payments Payment transactions
pools Pool-related information
products Banking products
receipts Receipt information
reports Various reports
scheduledReports Scheduled report information
sources Source information
unallocated Unallocated items or funds
withholdingTax Withholding tax configuration

This table represents the fields available under the bank query in the ACMC GraphQL API. Each field likely returns a specific type or a connection for that type, allowing access to detailed information or lists of items.

query BankQuery {
  bank {
    accounts(first: 10) {
      edges {
        node {
    customers(first: 10) {
      edges {
        node {
    payments(first: 5) {
      edges {
        node {
    products(first: 5) {
      edges {
        node {

This query demonstrates the structure of the bank type, which includes various financial entities. Each of these fields returns a connection type, allowing for pagination. The first argument specifies the number of items to retrieve.

You can modify this query to include other fields available in each type or apply filters as needed for your specific use case.

Heartbeat Query

The heartbeat query provides basic system information.

query HeartbeatQuery {
  heartbeat {

This query returns a timestamp, which can be used to verify that the ACMC API is responsive.

Node Query

The node query allows you to fetch any entity by its unique identifier. In this example, we’ll demonstrate how to fetch account information using an account ID.

query NodeQuery($id: ID!) {
  node(id: $id) {
    ... on Account {


  "id": "AccountID"

This query demonstrates how to fetch account information using the Node query:

  1. Replace AccountID in the variables with the actual ID of the account you want to retrieve.
  2. The node query uses this ID to locate the specific account in the system.
  3. The __typename field returns the type of the node, which in this case would be “Account”.
  4. The ... on Account fragment specifies which fields to return if the node is an Account type.
  5. The query will return the account’s ID, account number, and currencies.

This approach allows you to fetch detailed account information using only the account’s unique identifier, demonstrating the power and flexibility of the Node query in the ACMC GraphQL API.

These examples showcase the main query operations available in the ACMC GraphQL API. You can expand on these queries to access more specific data as needed for your application. For a full list of queries and mutations, please refer to the full ACMC GraphQL schema documentation and dedicated sample pages.